We are told that in the movie "Brave New World" the epsilon morons are the lowest caste at the bottom of the totem pole with no ambitions of success. They are content to clean toilets and scrub floors for the superiors. Folks, this is not so. I worked in a restaurant when I was young. When ordered to clean floors never had a problem - never.
Well, we had an employee that as special as they say. He did not like to clean the rooms. OK, on the other hand I had to do it and so did the owner. Friends, not to brag, but my IQ is 165, much higher than the 140 of an alpha double plus in the movie. I do not say this to feel superior. Being more intelligent does not make you a better person. Most people cringe at having a low IQ like an epsilon moron. And yet, this I tell to you. Truly, there is bliss in ignorance.
Reality is not like a movie. People have to do things that are not pleasant like shovel manure. Intelligence gives you power. It does not restrict you from doing manual labor or work that is looked down upon.
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