Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren says to face book - thank you. They are proving... basically, that she is right and they are wrong. Hey, we can agree. Freedom of expression is no more. If you say something that they do not like, then they can BAN you. Well, that has a chilling effect on us. Please try to put yourself into the shoes of the average person. It seems, that face book can ban even those who have a lot of power. Do hope they are broken up soon.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

scorch areas

Yo, we will discuss something that is worrisome. It is HDR scorch areas. They are quite common now. Often, after you turn an HDR on... these burnt up places will occur. Question for you. What are they? Frankly, we have no answer. Perhaps, it is a strange phenomenon of which we were not even aware. Hey, we need to find new information and not rely on the theories of a previous era. Burn spots do appear. Not sure on a reason.

Monday, February 25, 2019


I do not like the big city any. Basically, it is full of loud raucous noises. Also, there is a lot of dirty air. Please add that we have much crime. Hey, the list just goes on an on. Sadly, that is where most of our jobs are.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

precious gem

Think of life as a precious gem. Sadly, my email is full of spam. Bots are out on force now. It is hard to find my messages. Friends, there is too much spam or scam.

Yahoo - Great America #5

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Discrimination is a serious issue. People, we should be nice. OK, here we go. I really do think it's great to have voice recognition programs.After all, some people have no arms. Yeah, life for them is not so nice.

Too much information

Friday, February 22, 2019

global warming

Yo, a rat goes extinct due to global warming. Frankly, I do not like any rats or mice. Bro, just so you know, I do not really believe that climate change will reduce the number of rats any time soon. Well, that is what this cool cat says.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bilingual Brains

Bilingual Brains are good for us. Learning another language does give you more. It strengthens connections and makes the weights between neurons increase more. These factors should prompt us to learn how to speak in a new way. Yeah, there are millions of people out there we can talk to when we learn the common language that they typically speak in.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Face Book

Face Book with no ads is a no go. That is what mark says. Yo, we do not like ads, but there we are. It is an amazing world we are in. After all, technology is constantly advancing at a record pace.

Embed from Getty Images

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Venezuela sees tensions rise. Well, that is not all we see. Folks, we know that things have definitely taken a turn for the worse.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

You tube

You tube will demonetize videos that are anti vax. I wonder about the flat earth ones. Maybe, they will regulate what we can see. Certainly, we do no longer enjoy our freedom of speech or our freedom of the press. Always, we need our gov... to monitor every single thing that we say.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

social deserts

Oh wow, social deserts are growing. Blame the local newspapers going away. Yeah, we need to have a more personal view.

Dave Dear - A real star on Moel Hebog - Snowdonia - Wales

Friday, February 15, 2019


Time is not a friend, but an enemy. Get ready for a super snow moon. That is the biggest of the year.

City Hall

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Uber is still losing money. The road ahead is certainly a bumpy one... for this scandal ridden low wage company. Frankly, they need to find new avenues. Also, they could maybe raise more revenue.

smart phones

Hey, we need to limit smart phone use. Please stop looking at the tiny micro screen. After all, it is not good for you. Instead, we need to go out some more. Yeah, that is super max.


Monday, February 11, 2019


Rich people in monaco are common. Also, we see a lot of expensive cars. Yeah, we did not win. Oh wow, that is a pain. BTW, I think having a lot of money is nice. Sadly, most democrats see many coins as excessive.


Sunday, February 10, 2019


Right now, the camellia plant is blooming at the house of my mom. Oh yes, she really likes pretty flowers I tell you.  OK, so the camellia is my favorite one. Hey, she also likes roses.  Yo, those are so max.


Saturday, February 9, 2019


Most types of animals are wild my fine ones. They do not always act in predictable ways. For example, a male tiger did kill his mate on the first date just now - wow. Like what does that tell us? Please understand the world we are in. I believe that some one domesticated humans and that we were wilder once. Remember the story of able who was killed by his brother cain.

Leader of the pack! (Explored #2)

Friday, February 8, 2019

Religion versus science

Sam Harris says that science must destroy religion, but I do not believe that is so. Actually, the opposite is the reality we are in. Religion will and can erase science. Let us not forget that at one time scientists giggled about washing hands to remove germs. Further on they finally relented when they were shown germs using a microscope. Well, there are a lot of things that are real that we cannot see.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Many scientists are always attacking religion for some reason. Sadly, they claim that it is a fantasy and that we are fools who believe in an invisible man. Well, they might do well to look at history as we have seen... that a lot of things that seem ridiculous once... like are not when the evidence is in.


Monday, February 4, 2019


Robots could indeed take our desk jobs away. However, we see human religion as something they can never remove. After all, they have no soul - what ever that is. Also, machine intelligence lack a spiritual component as we see.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Oh wow, trains could replace air travel as they are more efficient in using energy. Hey, that is what we see. Let us hope for the best my fine fellows, as we know that the future is not what we expect to see. May our God have mercy on us.

DB 143 107 | Rüsselsheim

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Netflix has a brand new logo that is wow. OK, so we see that it still is a letter "N" so we are not gonna worry. All the best to the company. Please, do try to make better movies. I really don't enjoy what we see.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Ralph Northam

Virginia governor Ralph Northam says he will not resign. Also, he claims that he is not full of racism. Hey, it is OK as he is a Democrat, but if he were Republican, it would be a very different case. Remember that only Republicans are full of racism. Well, that would be according to our news services.

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