Sunday, December 30, 2018

more rain

Expect to see more rain. Hey, we can use one. There could be hail in places, but what do we even see? Oh wow, that is not the best as we see. Calling a taxi is common in rain. However, there is often a surge price. Uber could charge us less money. Find new avenues. That is what we say.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


I like the great taste of corn. That really is super max. Hey, it really is. Best foods are often real simple ones.

2012-08-04 Jackson's & Mae's First Birthday Party

Friday, December 28, 2018

time machine

Building a time machine is not easy. Well, that is what we hear in science. First we must define what exactly we see TIME as. Equations are just math and we need to really define what it is.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

elevator fall

Question for you. OK, so can you survive... like an elevator fall by jumping? Frankly, we do not think so. However, we could indeed be so wrong. Please let an engineer answer... this one. Hey, we do love science.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


What skin tone is your emoji? That is the latest question from social justice warriors. Oh yes, the ones we see scream racism. Hey, there are a lot of factors that are more pressing. Still, here we are. Folks, we cannot begin to make this one up. Like it is just too insane.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, December 24, 2018

more rain

Scientists do preach about global warming. Well, that would cause more evaporation of water and more rain. Also, we would have a longer growing season. Higher levels of carbon dioxide do mean that plants grow more. Certainly, that is a lot of great news.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Ron Paul

Ron Paul wants a tax free bit coin. That proposal sounds super max. I hope people finally wake up. Jobs that pay are so few and bills we gotta pay are so many.

Friday, December 21, 2018

baby powder

Problems for Johnson & Johnson increase. Asbestos in baby powder is serious. Just what were they thinking anyway? It is certainly an enigma. Do hope that customers will find out what is going on.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

going DOWn

Dow has a terrible week due to our massive economic crisis.  It is going DOWn mon ami. Yo, it might get even worse. That is what we are gonna see now. Hey, it is not just me. A lot of economics professors do forecast a massive recession.

Going down with Karim Amour

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Antarctic ice

The collapse of Antarctic ice... like it could cause a global flood even. Folks, this is so serious. Hey, scientists do warn us. Bro, things are about to get even worse. King tide will roll in. Expect a lot of flooded houses soon. Yeah, except that I believe we are instead going into a mini ice age. It is best if we dress with a sweater that is warm.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Social security helps seniors. Poverty is now a minor concern. After all, most can still work some... Yeah, they wanna earn money. That said, they only have a few years. It is better that we enjoy now. Nobody knows what tomorrow can give us.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Do you like a desert. Well,  there is very little or no rain. It is hot in summer. Frankly, my answer is no. Do comment below with your opinion.

Sand bath with Guerlain Chicherit

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Retail woes

Retail woes are serious. Just take a look at hh greg. Well, they are gone. A lot of struggling malls are closing down as stores board up. Frankly, we are in an economic crisis. Most of the pain... like is on the tired shoulders of our poor. They do not have a massive stream of disposable income.

hhgregg Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Oh wow, anti-robot vigilantes try to scare off self driving cars. This did occur in arizona. Maybe, we should pay attention to what is going on. Do believe that all those uber jobs will be gone soon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

DSLR versus no mirror

DSLR versus no mirrors. Friends, it is not so easy... to choose your new camera. Options are many. However, I like the big DSLR because it has an enormous massive sensor.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Monday, December 10, 2018

red engine

I do love seeing this red engine. Oh wow, it does brighten up our day some more. Let us look forward to a wonderful tomorrow that has much to offer us.

Bright, Shiny Geep

Sunday, December 9, 2018


Brothers and sisters, most high speed trains are just a bit slow for me. Maybe, we can... like take the express. Too many stops is one reason. Flying in a jet plane is a lot faster and not that expensive. Expect in the future, to see less train use.

Toronto bound

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Boy is raising money. It is for his best friend's grave. This story can so be troubling... like on many issues. OK, so for one... the best friend died of cancer. Like that is so sad at an early age. May the all-powerful God have mercy on us.


Friday, December 7, 2018


I believe that we should ban spoons. After all, they can make people fat, and that is causing us woe. Hey, we hear a lot about banning our guns. Well, this is a similar process. Just remember that we humans did not always have the luxury of guns or spoons. Oh yes, humanity will survive.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Global warming

Do you like global warming. Scientists say it increases HEAT waves. OK, so that might not be so. I do not think parrots mind our temperature slowly getting warmer. Yeah, but we could be quite wrong.

Hyde Park

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Don't let the cat out of the bag um BOX we mean. I do like friendly felines, and I do not agree with what some say. Basically, they are of the belief that black cats bring bad luck to us. Fellows, we create our own luck and not the color of a cat, but there we now are.

Happy Caturday!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dow dives 800 points

Dow dives 800 points on economic crisis. Folks, we do hope that we can avoid a new massive recession. Oh wow, that would not be good for us. Remember the last one. Property prices were sore.

Monday, December 3, 2018

gone fishing

I still remember the gone fishing sign. This is not a big deal for me. Hey, what we know that hard work is not so easy.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


It was suppose to rain yesterday, but we got none. I am talking about rain. OK, so the result is the soil is dry as a bone in some manner. Let us hope that the clouds cry. Otherwise, the grass will be brown instead of green. Honestly, we do like to see some green grass.

Parallel Universes

Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

time travel

Hey, time travel is great in some movies. Purdue University now sees a clock crisis. Workers did not suffer any serious injuries. Look out below my fines ones. Favorites, are NOT what we see.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

chill in our air

Friends, there is a bit of chill in our air. I saw some steam rising. Yeah, it was from the pool and it was wow. Hey, it really is cold and we can expect some snow soon. Do not believe scientists on global warming. Maybe, there is a new ice age. That is how it feels to me.

Snow, More London Place

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Here is what we can see on memes. They do help us to um cope. Life has a lot of stress and we are in a press. Yeah, we still like the lol cats, but most are no more. Hey, that was a different time and we are now in a new era.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday, November 25, 2018


What can we say on an opossum? I do not believe they can make great pets for so many reasons. First off, it likes to play dead, so make that number one. Most individuals want a pet that will interact with us. Certainly, this is why dogs are number one. Cats tend to be more solitary creatures, whereas canines are gregarious.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

3D movies

I remember 3D movies. They were so popular years ago. However, that is no longer our case. Most people do not like to wear 3D glasses as they are cumbersome and then some more. It is an interesting technology that never really took off and keeps coming back again and again.

Friday, November 23, 2018

more rain

Hey, we could indeed use more rain. It has been a really dry year. Just look at all the fires that we see. Maybe, there is a reason. Wind could truly change their course. However, we do not believe that the cause is... like global warming. Scientist try to blame most everything on dad one. Ah yes, even the disappearance of our unicorns.

Wet Rain

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

race car

Kids always wanna own a race car. I do not understand the reason. Hey, it could be because they make so much noise. Just let me sleep some more. Frankly, we get tired of hearing the same excuses.

Dragracing at Kjula Dragway 180901

Monday, November 19, 2018


Ford hits the road in miami. It is testing autonomous cars. Well, this reminds me of Johnny Cab in an ominous manner. Just remember to keep looking up. Hey, the future is right in front of us.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

red sky

Understand the saying - red sky in morning... sailor take warning.

Sunset in HH

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Here is something that is very interesting about modern digital cameras. They no longer have internal memory. Actually, we see that this feature use to be quite common ages ago. Please keep in mind not forget to carry some extra memory sticks for your new camera.

Friday, November 16, 2018


Bookstore sells a book that had been on its shelf 28 years. Frankly, we cannot make this one up. It is just too crazy. There must be a lot of dust on the cover. Hey, we do wonder about why bookstores are going under and here is our answer.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


At work we often feel that we are specimens... like under a microscope. For example, we are not allowed to make even minor errors. These are magnified in size. Honestly, we are afraid to speak up. Otherwise, the boss might even FIRE us.


Sunday, November 11, 2018


People do enjoy water a lot and like to see a river. However, we do not know what exactly the mechanism is. Maybe, this has to with the way our brains are. Yo, I wish that I could rewire mine.

Guilin 漓江

Saturday, November 10, 2018

expensive homes

This year, expensive homes over one million dollars increase. Certainly, it is like a surge. Well, we see a lot of luxury dwellings being built and I believe that an oversupply is in store for us. For example, who can afford one? The number of super-rich is small and I do not believe that I will be joining them any time soon.

Friday, November 9, 2018

work less

Bosses tell us to work more. I believe that we should work less and enjoy more. Life has so much to offer us. Yeah, it is best that we not spend it in a tiny cubicle in front of a computer screen. Well, that is just my own opinion.

Monday, November 5, 2018


Maybe, I should eat food with a lot of iron. Yeah, I feel tired more. Actually, that should surprise no one. Basically, we must work more. Also, we have to get used to making less money. Not a great mix.


Sunday, November 4, 2018


I do like this old school red jaguar. Hey, it is an amazing car.

Jaguar E-Type

Saturday, November 3, 2018

wanna soar

Hey, we all do wanna soar. That said, the risk is at a maximum. Please do exercise some care. Oh yes, may God have mercy on us.

High up in the air, the Alps, a sunset and a full stall glider with Jean Baptiste Chandelier

Thursday, November 1, 2018

colors are warm

Ah yes, colors are warm. That is for sure. People like to paint as it cheers us up. Well, that is what we say. Best shades are crimson or orange. Here we go.

Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018


I most assuredly do love our rivers. However, living really near one is a pain. Flooding is a major issue. Yeah, that is certainly what we see.


Sunday, October 28, 2018


Yeah, we do love soccer. It is more popular every year. Still, it is not that common in america. Ah yes, to be young. to be filled with energy.


Saturday, October 27, 2018


Like wow, where has this year gone? Ah yes, boats at low tide we are. Cast about by fierce winds and massive waves. Certainly, we do not know where we are going.

'Backalong' (6) - As Time and Tide Turns

Friday, October 26, 2018


Hey, I saw a gaggle of geese. That was a few days ago. Two of them were fighting over scraps... Like or maybe it was territory - not sure.

... cackling ...

Thursday, October 25, 2018


I wonder what dogs think when they see their own blurry reflection in the still water or on a mirror. Ah yes, we assure... like they will bark thinking it is another dog, but maybe some are not as foolish as they may seem to us. Really, it is a mystery or an enigma.

On Reflection...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pools are super

Pools are super. They are fun in summer. However, not so much in winter as we need to keep them warm. That can cost us a pretty penny. OK, so the solution could indeed be solar water heaters.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

vacant spaces

I am writing on a crisis. Ah yes, vacant spaces are on an increase.  Just look at sears. It really is going away. That is what we do say. Tragic, but true as we endure our on going economic recession. It seems to me... like there was never any recovery. OK, so as time goes on, we see more vacant spaces.

Friday, October 19, 2018


Boats are great if you wanna go... like on a journey. Well, this water looks so tranquil and serene. Hey, we are trying to squeeze some FUN in. After all, these are probably the last days of summer. Certainly, it does take our breath away. Fellows, we do love to see panoramic views.

The Last Day of Summer

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Do you remember blockbuster video that had a lot of movies. The last store left in america... frankly, may close soon. Citizens, this is the end of an era. Video stores used to be on every corner... like so it seems. Yo, those days are over. Get ready to live in a world of streaming movies.

Busted Up Blockbuster Sign

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Life is a beach

Life is a beach they say. Well, this is great in summer as the water is warm. Yet, we do not like to swim in winter as it freezes us up. Hey, we did say swim. Funny how summer is over. Just a few days ago... the temperature was 88 degrees in Indianapolis and it is 38 degrees right now.

Arcadia Beach, Odessa 7

Monday, October 15, 2018


$15 an hour is hardly a living wage. Hey, we can survive. That said, it is not a life the we enjoy. Let us be honest with you. Most citizens need to make more green. Bills just keep on piling up. Work hard every day, because the credit card we must pay. Sadly, we wish that things were different for us.

A fellow riding a customized or facsimile banana bike in Smiths Falls, Ontario

Sunday, October 14, 2018

auto focus

How auto focus is improving. There are many ways. First off, we have some based on contrast which is slow and then some more. Yeah, we want a quick snap camera. Phase detection is better, but we will soon see... like systems that use artificial intelligence to help us.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Oh yes, we want to be an explorer in our universe. God, we do thank you. This is an amazing cosmos. Frankly, we like to climb to new areas. Yeah, it is so awesome. Many blessings to all of you.

Top of the World

Thursday, October 11, 2018

hero seven camera

Yo, we gotta love the hero seven camera. It has video stabilization and that is wow. Frankly, we do not like the zero camera. Like it is too expensive. Yeah, that is one reason. Sadly, we do not have a lot of green.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree is affected by the Trump Tariffs we got this year. Mostly, they operate on thin margins. Basically, we can see that most of these are as narrow as a razor. Well, that is what we see. Expect some tough times ahead for the dollar stores and those who import cheap poor quality stuff in.

Dollar Tree - Castaic, California

Saturday, October 6, 2018


I have seen a gradual decline in our "B-BOOMING" economy. What do you even see? Fact is, things are probably getting worse. Jobs are few and bills are many. Let us try to finally wake up.


Friday, October 5, 2018

smart offices

Here is the latest on smart offices that blast you with cold air. Well, if you are sleeping on the employer's coin. That would not be good for you. Yeah, they might actually fire you. It is best if you wake up. Maybe, you can drink some hot coffee... warm anyway.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

70 new emoji

70 new emoji are near. Yeah, they are coming soon. Do we blame our new I phone for this um mess? Basically, it is an interesting universe we are in. Just do not forget that we could, in fact, create an emoji language for all of us. Well, that would be so massive. Like dude, it would be an epic win.