Monday, October 1, 2007

Why were there giant insects long ago?

We need over 15% oxygen for forest fires to occur, and if we have over 30% oxygen in the atmosphere then fires burn out of control. So the claim that there was 35% oxygen in the air during the carboniferous period is false.

High oxygen environments typically burn with a hot flame, whereas low oxygen fires with sooty flame. There is no evidence of extensive fires found in the carboniferous; in fact, we see lots of trees in that time which later became coal.

Here is a film of an oxygen fire.

Foolish men of science now contradict themselves by stating that the oxygen level at the end of the Permian dropped to 15%, at this level fires cannot occur. Many type of trees need fire to live, the periodic burns clean the forest floor of brush, yet this too is forgotten.

God created giant insects much like He created giant animals. The scientists who wonder why modern cockroaches do not evolve into monster insects need only understand that evolution is a hoax. Nothing can evolve.