Saturday, December 2, 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


 Beautiful castles take your breath away. Hey, what can we see. It is truly a nice view. Well, that is my own opinion.

The almost unobstructed view...

Friday, November 24, 2023

city hall

 Often we hear them say that we cannot fight city hall, but I am not so sure. Politicians are a greedy bunch that love money an power. Both of which are addictive as we see.

Salt Lake City Hall

Monday, November 20, 2023

diet coke

 OK, so diet coke is expensive. I use to drink it years ago. Well, we drink water now. That is still free and tastes so nice. Hey, we need to save some coins.

Diet Coke

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

log cabin

 People dream of living in a log cabin far away. Yeah, other there where nature reigns. However, we do not enjoy the city as there is way too much smog. Let me add, there is also too much noise. Hey, we can work remote now.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

wind power

England gets most of its electricity from wind power. Actually, that is worrisome. This is an intermittent power source. What do they even use... like when you have the windless doldrums in a warm summer? Yeah, we do not like to depend on an unreliable source... for our necessary energy. Sadly, the result will probably be that blackouts increase.

Whitelees Windfarm